How to Complain About a Dog Attack

Dog attacks need to be reported to the proper authorities as soon as they happen. Even if you know the owner, the authorities should handle the situation. A dog can cause serious injuries, even death, if it attacks someone. The city or county keeps a record of the dog attack. Depending on the situation and dog's history, animal control may remove it from the owner. While this may make some people hesitant to contact the authorities, it's necessary to keep the area safe.


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      Go to the emergency room to have any injuries taken care of and documented. Tell the staff that you were attacked by a dog. They may contact the authorities.

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      Call the police as soon as possible. The police will either come over themselves, or put you in contact with the animal control department.

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      Tell the police or animal control officer exactly what happened and where. Do not leave out any details, including injuries.