How to Replace a Pet That Has Died

The loss of a pet is a traumatic event for both you and your entire family. Obtaining a new pet after the right amount of time helps you to move on from the loss. Doing so also fills the void in your home left from the deceased animal. Replacing your former pet with a new one is not as easy as heading to the local pet store and picking the first cat or dog you see. You must first consider a few things to avoid resenting the new pet.


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      Take the appropriate time to grieve the loss of your prior pet. Only you know when the appropriate time to obtain a new pet comes, but avoid attempting to replace the pet too early. Otherwise, you won't enjoy your new pet as you should.

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      Look for a pet that is completely different than the animal you lost. A pet that is essentially a clone of your previous pet only brings up bad memories, and your relationship with the new pet won't be the same. Instead, search for a pet that is a different color, different size, different breed or even a different type of animal. For example, consider buying a cat if you lost a dog.

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      Buy all new toys, food and water dishes and other similar pet equipment for the new animal. Watching the new pet play with your old pet's toys only brings up uncomfortable and sorrowful memories, and it may even make you resent the new pet.

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      Give the new pet a different name than the name of the previous pet. You don't want to think of your deceased pet while calling upon the new animal. Pick a name that was never considered for the previous pet.