How to Stop Puppies From Nipping Your Toes

Stop your puppy from nipping to prevent its behavior from becoming more serious as the dog matures. During its first few months of life, a puppy should learn about what is acceptable playing behavior from its mother and litter mates. Puppies will yelp loudly when a sibling bites too hard, whereas the mother will growl at a puppy for exhibiting unacceptable behavior. As a responsible dog owner, it is your job to set boundaries and limitations for your puppy.


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      Show your puppy that you are the alpha dog, as this will encourage it to treat you with respect, rather than biting you. Wait until the family has finished eating before feeding the puppy. Make the puppy sit and wait quietly before giving food or affection. Do not allow the puppy to sleep on your bed or jump on your furniture, as these are positions of dominance that must be reserved for humans.

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      Make a loud, high-pitched yelp when your puppy bites you during play. Turn away from the puppy for about 30 seconds to show it that play stops when it bites. After 30 seconds resume play, but repeat the exercise if the puppy nips at you again until the puppy learns that biting is not acceptable. Avoid putting your hand in the puppy's mouth during play to teach it that it is not acceptable to chew on your skin.

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      Correct your puppy if it bites your feet or ankles when you are on a walk. Say "no" in a firm tone of voice and tap the dog firmly on the shoulder with your fingertips.