How to Plow a Dog Fence

Electric pet fences are a way to keep your dog contained within your yard without the cost of a physical fence. You may also wish to avoid the unsightly appearance of a physical fence large enough to contain your dog safely. When installing the electric fence, the largest part of the process is plowing or digging portions of your yard to bury the wire in place. There are a few different methods you can use.

Things You'll Need

  • Edging shovel
  • Yard flags
  • Power trencher (optional)
  • Power edger (optional)
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    • 1

      Walk the perimeter of the yard, deciding where to bury the wire. Keep in mind that your dog will not be able to get closer than a few feet from the wire, so ensure that he still has room to roam around. Mark the path of the wire with yard flags for later reference.

    • 2

      Press the edging shovel down into the ground sideways along the path where you wish to bury the wire. Press the tip of the shovel to the ground and use your foot and body weight to press it deeper so that you create a thin opening in the dirt. Aim for a gap around four to six inches deep. Work your way along the path, connecting the gaps to make one thin line.

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      Push the wire into the thin opening and run it around the perimeter of your yard. Leave enough wire at either end to connect to the control unit.

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      Fill the opening with dirt, covering the wire completely.

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      Connect the wire to the control unit on both ends.