Signs of Intimidation in a Chihuahua

Dogs communicate to humans through use of their body language. Understanding the body language of your Chihuahua is a first step in the important journey to creating a deeper bond with your animal. Chihuahuas can be a particularly challenging breed, because they are naturally a little shaky due to their small size. However, it is important to understand how your dog might react when he is intimidated.
  1. Playful Body Language

    • Most people want dogs who are naturally playful and engaged, so to begin identifying traits of an intimidated dog, you must first identify the "normal" state which to contrast with. A playful dog will have ears which are perked slightly up, but relaxed neither forward nor back. The eyes will be wide open and alert. The mouth will likely be a little open, possibly panting and the teeth will not be bared. The best sign of a happy dog is a vigorously wagging tail and a loose but active lower body.

    Subordinate Body Language

    • One of the most likely reactions an intimidated Chihuahua will have is to be submissive with the dog or person which intimidates it. The body language of a submissive dog is easily recognizable by the C-curve of the tail between the legs. This indicates fear and submission. Your dogs eyes will also take on a narrow slit-shape and its ears will move back. When your dog is being submissive, it may also start to shake more vigorously because of anxiety. Your dog may also leak a little urine or from its anal scent glands. It will also lower its body closer to the ground, or show its belly by lying on its back.

    Flight Body Language

    • Chihuahuas are also likely to show their intent to run away from someone who intimidates them. Obviously, running away is the most obvious sign of a flight reflex, however, the dog will show certain signals before running away. The ears will be far back, as if to make the dog more aerodynamic, and the eyes will be wide open. The mouth will be wide open, and your dog will quite possibly drool. A dog who is about to run away will also shudder quite extensively; this will be quite apparent in a Chihuahua.

    Aggressive Body Language

    • Aggression is the least likely reaction a Chihuahua will have to something which it perceives as a threat because most dogs are only aggressive to things which they feel they have a good chance of "taking on." Chihuahuas are such small dogs, that they usually know that they would not win a fight, so they choose flight or submission, however it is good to recognize the signs of aggression because it can signal extreme stress in your Chihuahua. The most obvious sign is the dog will have bared teeth. Its tail will be low to the ground, but not between the legs. It will also take on a crouched position. The eyes will narrow, and the ears will be forward in a challenge.