How to Raise a Papillon

The papillon is a toy breed of dog that is closely related to the spaniel. This particular breed of dog is very fragile and needs to be monitored closely. Papillons also require constant grooming to keep their long, silky hair in top condition. They are sweet and affectionate, and they love attention; however, they do not make good pets for young children nor do they do well in homes with other pets because of their delicate nature. When cared for properly, the papillon can live for 15 years.


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      Bathe and brush your papillon. Papillons have long silky hair that requires constant grooming with a soft bristle brush. Daily brushing will help avoid tangles and matted hair.

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      Brush your papillon's teeth a minimum of once per week. Brushing the teeth helps to prevent tooth decay and plaque build up. It also helps prevent plaque from entering the blood stream and causing liver, heart and kidney problems later in life. Papillons have a tendency to have poor dental hygiene and dental problems.

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      Monitor your papillon's eyes. Papillons have a tendency to get blocked tear ducts and cataracts at an early age. If you notice that his eyes are producing a colored discharge or there is cloudiness in his eyes, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian.

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      Trim your papillon's nails. The papillon's nails have a tendency to grow quickly. If you notice that they are clicking when he walks, it is time to cut his nails.

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      Clean your papillon's ears. Because of the structure of his ear, the papillon tends to have dirty ears. You should also check the ears daily for foxtails, ticks and dirt, if you allow your pet to roam outside.

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      Monitor your papillon closely when he is playing or around other dogs. The papillon is a very fragile dog. His neck can easily snap if another dog grabs him the wrong way. He can break a leg or get a concussion if he jumps from a high distance, such as off a bed.

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      Watch closely for seizures. The papillon is prone to seizures. If you ever notice that your pet is shaking or laying stiff on the ground with his tongue out, you will need to seek emergency medical care. Your pet may have to take medication if he has seizures.