How to Become a Host for Service Dogs

A host for service dogs has a very important job to do. In most cases, a host actually serves as a type of trainer for the dog, which helps to get the dog ready for serving or assisting a person with special needs. You could also be simply socializing the dog. The socialization process for service dogs includes getting them used to being around people and large crowds and being handled on a regular basis. To become a host for service dogs, you will need to sign-up through a service dog organization.


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      Get some experience handling and training dogs. Before you can be an effective host for service dogs, you need to know the basics of how to socialize dogs and teach them simple commands. Volunteer at your local animal shelter to get some experience. Some shelters also offer classes for things like dog handling and basic training exercises.

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      Decide on an organization that you want to host through. There are several to choose from, including the International Association of Assistance Dog Partners and Therapy Dogs International. Read through each organization's website and literature and talk with a representative if you have any questions, to help you choose. Keep in mind that some organizations also charge a membership fee to become a host for service dogs.

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      Complete the training program that is required by the organization you chose. In most cases, you'll be required to read through literature and training information and perhaps watch videos or complete online tutorials, at least. You might also be required to pass a test to make sure you went through the required materials and understand your role as a service dog host.

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      Start working with your dog. Once you complete the training and evaluation for the organization you chose, you can start working with a dog. Some organizations will supply you with a dog, while others ask that you find your own. Note that if you must find your own dog, it too must complete and pass an evaluation.