How to Stop a Small Dog From Barking & Growling

Dogs such as the Pomeranian, dachshund and chihuahua are small in size, although they are all known to have big personalities. According to, small dogs can develop what is referred to as small dog syndrome, which means that the owner treats the dog like a baby rather than teaching rules, boundaries and limitations. This can cause the dog to develop behavioral problems, including growling and barking at people. This is because the dog thinks that its owner is weak and feels it needs to become the dominant dog in the pack or family. You can stop your little dog from being aggressive through exercise and by taking the role as pack leader.


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      Take your dog to see your local veterinarian for a checkup to rule out any health problems, which could be making it feel uncomfortable and causing it to show aggression.

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      Show your dog that you are the pack leader by making it sit and wait before you give food or affection. Avoid letting your dog sleep on your bed or jump up on the furniture uninvited, as these are positions of dominance.

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      Put the dog on the floor and say "no" in a firm tone of voice if it growls or barks at other other people while it is sitting on your lap. Do not tolerate this behavior as the dog is claiming you and showing its dominance, rather than being protective of you. Do not attempt to calm your dog with soothing words and petting, as this will only reinforce its bad behavior.

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      Take your dog on a walk every day to prevent it from becoming aggressive as a result of frustration from lack of exercise. Walk slightly in front of your dog to communicate that you are the leader of the pack. Always step out of the house before your dog and make your dog wait until all other family members have entered the house before allowing the dog to step inside.