Things You'll Need
- Leash
Encourage your dog to trust and respect you by taking on the role of pack leader. Establish leadership by making your dog sit and wait before you provide him with food or affection. Maintain a calm and assertive mental attitude when you are in your dog's company. Do not allow the dog to jump on furniture, such as sofas and beds, as this gives the dog a position of dominance. Take up a confident stance with your back straight when telling your dog to get off the furniture.
Exercise your dog by walking him on a daily basis. This will prevent your dog from becoming frustrated from a lack of exercise. High-energy dogs will require an hour of walking every day. Keep him on a leash and walk slightly in front of him to exert your dominance. Give a quick sideways tug on the leash if he tries to pull you, and then relax the leash and continue to walk with the dog slightly behind you. Leave the house before the dog and ensure that the dog is always the last to enter the house at the end of a walk.
Enroll in a training class to gain control of your pet and to build a bond of trust and respect with your dog. Ask the professional dog trainer for extra help in rehabilitating your dog.