How to Figure Out Which of the Two Alpha Dogs Is the Most Dominant?

Dogs are naturally pack animals that establish a hierarchy of dominance where dogs are ranked much like soldiers in a military squadron. One dog will be the alpha, or the leader of the pack, and the others all defer to him when it comes to food, toys, attention and any other resource. If you have two dogs that are used to being the pack leader, there may be a struggle to determine which is the alpha between the two. The dogs will figure this out themselves, and you'll know which is the more dominant with some observation.

Things You'll Need

  • Leashes
  • Food and water bowls
  • Dog toys
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      Introduce the two dogs in a neutral location, meaning a place that neither dog associates with "home." Control one dog on a leash and have someone else control the other dog on a leash. While dogs will sometimes be more aggressive on a leash, the leash will allow you to separate the dogs safely in the event of a fight.

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      Watch the dogs as they interact for the first time. One may try to mount the other, which is an expression of dominance. If the other dog allows it, the mounting dog is establishing itself as the alpha dog. If the other dog snaps at or acts aggressively against the mounting dog, the hierarchy is not established yet.

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      Pull the dogs apart if they start seriously fighting. They are likely to growl at each other and possibly snap at each other in an attempt to establish authority, and that is normal.

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      Bring the dogs into the house or the yard once the initial introduction is finished and the dogs are calmed down. Take the leashes off and observe their behavior. One will likely be taking control of the space more while the other gives it room.

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      Put down food and water in separate bowls for each dog and watch the reaction. One dog will likely snap at the other and insist on eating first, even taking food from both sets of bowls. The other dog will then eat afterward. Once this routine is established, you'll know which is the dominant dog between the two.

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      Watch the dogs if they start playing together. In games such as tug-of-war, the dominant dog will always win because the other dog will give up first.