The pointer originated in England. Dozens of dog breeds are devoted to the sport of hunting, according to "The Howell Book of Dogs." Dogs are social animals and will share their food with other members of their pack, including the humans that the dog considers as pack members. Many current hunting dog breeds have the killing instinct bred out of them, leaving the actual killing up to the human. Pointers literally point out where game is. Spaniels can flush game out from hiding or heavy underbrush. Terriers can dig vermin out from underground burrows. Retrievers bring back dead game. Some breeds were bred to specialize in hunting specific game. The otterhound was so successful that otters almost became extinct.
The Tibetan Mastiff is not an active breed. Dogs protect other pack members and their territory. Man bred dogs to exploit these traits and create dogs that would guard livestock and property. One of the oldest dog breeds is the Tibetan mastiff, bred in the Himalayas as early as 1100 BC. These massive dogs protected families and tents at night. Herding breeds such as the border collie specialize in protecting and moving large flocks or herds. Dogs of all breeds and mixed breeds warn of intruders with their barking, and some are trained to attack. The canis panther, for example, is specifically bred to attack strangers.
Bloodhounds look intimidating but are friendly. Using the hunting skill of tracking a scent and following it to its source, dogs have been trained to follow particular scents. Dogs can scent termites, bed bugs, drugs, escaped criminals, lost people, cadavers, contraband and cancer. The best nose in the animal kingdom is thought to belong to the bloodhound. Bloodhounds can track a scent over 100 miles, according to "The Howell Book of Dogs."
Two Chinese cresteds, powderpuff variety Dogs have been eaten since ancient times, although they do not contain much meat. Travelers Lewis and Clark wrote of Native Americans eating dogs, and Lewis ate dogs and puppies, but Clark could not, according to National Geographic. "The Howell Book of Dogs" states that the Chinese crested breed's earlier name was the Chinese edible dog. Dogs are still eaten in Asia, especially China, Korea and Taiwan.
Greyhound race Dogs are raced for sport. This is another skill derived from the dog's natural hunting ability. Dog breeds usually raced include the greyhound, whippet and Saluki. Professional dog racing attracts big money and professional gamblers. But amateur dog racing without gambling happens with Jack Russell terriers. Also, the new sport of lore coursing allows dogs to race after a moving target.
What Are Dogs Used for Besides Service Jobs?
Dogs perform a multitude of uses. Dogs first became domesticated about 10,000 years ago, according to the University of California. Through selective breeding, humans were able to enhance certain aspects of a dog breed to make it able to perform desired tasks. Dogs only began serving the blind and other physically impaired people in the 20th century.