Games to Play When You're Taking Care of A Dog

Dogs are intelligent animals and require metal stimulation to keep from getting bored. A bored dog is much more likely to misbehave or be destructive. If you're taking care of a dog, it's a great idea to play with it, as this will help build respect and communication between the two of you.
  1. Find

    • Put the dog in a down position, or if it can't do this, get someone to hold it for a minute. "Find" can be played with either treats or a favorite toy. Hide the treats or the toy somewhere the dog can get to them easily, such as under a table or behind a sofa. Now say "go find," and let the dog go and eat the treats or find the toy.

    Tug of War

    • Tug of war is when you tug on one end of a toy, and the dog tugs on the other. There are toys specifically designed for this game, often made of rope or durable rubber. It's advisable to use one of these toys, as using a smaller toy could result in the dog accidentally nipping your hand. If the dog gets too worked up during the game, use the "drop" command and put away the toy until the dog has calmed down.

    Hide and Go Seek

    • This game is a little bit like "Find," but you are the object the dog has to find. Ensure the dog can't see you while you're hiding. Hide out of sight, but somewhere the dog can get to you, and then call it when you want it to come and find you. If the dog doesn't find you at first, try calling again. Once it finds you, make a big fuss over the dog, praise it and maybe give a small treat.

    Keep Away

    • Give the dog one of its toys, and then use a phrase, such as "keep away" or "I'm going to get you," in conjunction with an exaggerated stalking or reaching motion, to encourage your dog to run away. Chase the dog, while repeating the command and motion. Then call the dog back to you and praise it, so it knows it was a game and you're still in control. When you want to finish, get the dog to drop the toy, give praise and put the toy away.