How to Improve the Life of a Mini Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer is a popular breed of dog in the United States. It is a playful, smart and highly trainable part of the terrier family. As a pet, a Miniature Schnauzer offers companionship to adults and children, and it typically integrates well with other house pets. This small breed is considered low-maintenance and a good watchdog. Miniature Schnauzers have a life expectancy of up to 15 years. The small dogs can live in an apartment or a house; they do not require large yards to play.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog collar
  • Dog leash
  • Quality dog food
  • Pillow, dog bed and/or training crate
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      Schedule regular veterinary care visits. Von Willebrand's disease, a blood clotting abnormality, is prevalent among Miniature Schnauzers. A symptom of the disease is excessive bleeding after an injury. Miniature Schnauzers are prone to cancers, skin disorders and diabetes, too. Preventive maintenance protects them from potentially life-threatening conditions. Depending on a dog's age, veterinary visits are usually annual.

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      Provide your Miniature Schnauzer with regular exercise. A walk in the morning and in the evening will give it interaction with you and the exercise it needs. A dog collar and leash ensure your pet is safe when exercising with you. Whether walking around your neighborhood or running full speed ahead off the leash in a fenced back yard, Miniature Schnauzers enjoy burning energy. They also enjoy chasing a ball and playing a game of fetch.

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      Feed your Miniature Schnauzer a quality dog food. Like people, dogs benefit from a healthy diet filled with the right balance of vitamins and nutrients. Food containing meat, including lamb and chicken, as well as rice and other natural ingredients is simple to digest and helps the dog's skin and coat stay healthy. Many varieties of quality dog food are available, from grocery store brands to specialty dog foods. Because a Miniature Schnauzer gains weight easily, don't overfeed it.

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      Give your Miniature Schnauzer a place to call home. This breed of dog loves to play outdoors but should not be allowed to sleep outside. Although your dog may like to sleep with you, a place to call its own is also important. Whether it is a favorite pillow, a dog bed and/or a training crate turned into its own private haven, a space for your Miniature Schnauzer creates a boundary when you need it to stay in its place.

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      Groom your Miniature Schnauzer. Brush it at least every other day to prevent matting. Give it a bath regularly; the timing depends on how dirty it gets when playing outside. Schedule a grooming appointment to have its hair and nails trimmed at least every other month. Trim your Miniature Schnauzer's eyebrows and beard to keep them out of the dog's eyes and mouth.

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      Spend time with your Miniature Schnauzer. Once a dog of this breed knows you are the leader, it makes a good companion. It will enjoy a gentle rub on the belly and cuddling next to you as you watch television. Miniature Schnauzers generally do well alone, but prolonged periods of alone time may result in undesirable behavior.