Frontline (frontline.us.merial.com), which contains the active ingredient fipronil, is applied to your pet's skin (preferably between the shoulder blades). The product is absorbed into the oil glands and then disbursed throughout the body. Its final destination is your pet's hair follicles. When a flea bites, it dies within 12 hours. Frontline applications work effectively to keep fleas from infesting your pet for one month. Frontline can be used on pets as young as two months old. Side effects are rare for pets using Frontline products.
One flea can bite 400 times in a day. The active ingredient in this liquid form of flea control is imidacloprid. Advantage (advantage.petparents.com) is absorbed through the pet's skin. The chemical acts on the nervous system of the flea and kills it within 12 hours of application. Advantage kills adult fleas as well as flea larvae. The topical solution is applied once monthly to your pet to keep fleas at bay. Advantage also has a very low occurrence of side effects.
This product comes in a beef-flavored pill. It is chewable so your pet is less likely to spit it out. Comfortis (comfortis4dogs.com) doesn't leave pesticide residue on your pet, so you don't need to worry about children or people coming into contact with any chemical residue. Comfortis is approved by the Federal Drug Administration. This product begins killing fleas within 30 minutes and works for one month.
Vectra 3D and Vectra for Cats
Of all the products mentioned above, Vectra 3D (summitvetpharm.com) is the latest product available for flea control. It is a topical solution applied to the skin that works similarly to Frontline. The active ingredient is permethrin. One of the advantages of Vectra 3D is that it kills fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, mites and lice. Vectra products for pets are sold with a patented applicator that allows for a more even application to your pet and ensures that you don't spill or waste any of the medication.
What Are the Best Products Available for Flea Control?
One flea can bite your pet up to 400 times a day. Imagine how many bites your pet may have if it is infested with fleas. There are oodles of products available that claim they can take care of your pet's flea problem. Collars, sprays, powders, dips and pills all claim to rid your pet of fleas. It is hard to tell which ones work and which ones offer less-than-satisfactory results. These products have been tried and proved to be very effective when used according to their directions. It is best to check with your vet before using any flea control product to discuss possible interactions with other medicines your pet may be taking.