How to Create White Noise to Block Out Barking

Having a neighbor who has dogs that are constantly barking can be extremely frustrating for nearby homeowners. These loud noises can make it hard to concentrate within the walls of your own home, or even disrupt sleeping. If nearby barking is interfering with your day to day life, considering creating your own white noise to help block it out. These relaxing sounds can be created by using objects found in the average household.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Cell phone
  • Box fan
  • Dishwasher
  • Dryer
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      Turn your computer into a white noise machine. Several websites offer free white noise to help drown out the louder sounds around you, including dogs barking. Simplynoise is a popular website if you want to hear static, while Rainymood will play rain and thunder noises (see Resources for more).

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      Run household objects that create white noise, such as a dryer or dishwasher. These objects require no care after you turn them on, and usually run for between 30 minutes to an hour. By the time your household chores are done, most dogs will have calmed down.

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      Purchase a box fan. These fans are reasonably priced and usually cost between $10 to 20. They also are a great source of homemade white noise because they never turn off. If it's too cold for you to have a fan running comfortably, try positioning it so it's facing a corner.

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      Check your cell phone to see if you can download any white noise applications. You can do this by turning on your phone, navigating to the market, then searching for the term "white noise." There are many free white noise apps, but the exact kind will depend on your phone model.