How to Stop Aggressive Dogs

A dog is the most popular pet in the United States, with approximately 39 percent of families owning at least one in 2009, according to the Humane Society. Because a dog is referred to as man's best friend, it might come as a surprise to know that about 1,000 people per day are treated for dog bites, says Dogs Bite. The breeds that most commonly attack are pit bulls and rottweilers. However, any dog can be dangerous. Knowing how to avoid attack and stop an aggressively approaching dog can save your life.

Things You'll Need

  • Pepper spray
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    • 1

      Discourage an aggressive dog from approaching you by not making eye contact. If you need to pass the aggressive dog, walk slowly and do not make sudden movements.

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      Stop walking and angle yourself so that the dog is approaching you from your side. Watch the dog from the corner of your eye, but do not make eye contact. Yell words such as "No," "Sit" and "Stay" over and over again. Leave your arms at your side to appear nonthreatening.

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      Kick small dogs in the nose. A small dog is any dog that cannot jump up and reach your neck area. Kicking a dog might seem cruel, but it will cause the dog to retreat without either of you being seriously injured.

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      Position one leg out to stabilize yourself if a large dog lunges at you. Staying up on your feet will give you an advantage over the attacking dog. Instinct will tell the dog to attack your throat area. Use your arm to protect this area of your body.

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      Move closer to the dog if it bites you. Do not try to pull away because this will cause more damage to you. Yell for help. Punch the dog in the nose, try to poke the dog in its eyes or kick it in the ribcage.

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      Carry pepper spray with you if you are going to be in an area with many loose, stray dogs.