Pet Cremation & Pet Burial Methods

The unfortunate part of being a pet owner is that it almost always leads to a sense of loss when your beloved pet passes. Most pets have a relatively short lifespan, and so most owners will have to say goodbye to one, if not several, of their friends. Some people are as close to their pets as they are their family, and want to lay them to rest in a dignified manner.
  1. Home Burial

    • Some people prefer to bury their pets at home in order to have a site they can visit. If you wish to do this, you must first check your city's bylaws to ensure that it is legal to do so in your location. You must also have an area in your yard where you can dig a deep enough grave to ensure that your pet will not be disturbed after you lay it to rest. Some people make or buy a memorial of some kind to erect at the site.

    Pet Cemetery

    • Most major cities will have a pet cemetery, which is a facility that will provide a plot of ground and will lay your pet to rest for you. A pet cemetery provides a suitable alternative if you want to bury your pet but cannot do it at home because you do not have an appropriate location or because city regulations prohibit you from doing so.


    • Cremation is another option for the disposal of pet remains. When you cremate your pet, you will have the option of a group or private cremation. A group cremation is when a number of pets are cremated together and the ashes disposed of by the crematorium. A private cremation is for when you want the ashes returned to you so that you can do something with them. Some pet owners will take the ashes and scatter them in a location that was a favorite of their pets, or where they had special memories with the animal.

    Urns and Memorials

    • Some people choose to keep their pets' ashes in some kind of urn that can act as a permanent memorial to their companion. There are urns specifically designed for housing the remains of pets. A pet magazine, your veterinarian or the crematorium that you use should be able to suggest several quality options. Some may also choose to bury a pet's ashes on the home property due to practical issues, in which case a memorial similar to what you would buy or have made for a regular burial would be suitable.