Dogs That Will Not Nurse Puppies

Nursing provides a bond between mother and puppies. A mother that refuses to nurse may be exhibiting signs of illness or inexperience. Several conditions can cause a mother not to nurse, including eclampsia, mastitis or metritis. Another reason a mother may not nurse is a lack of maternal instinct.
  1. Eclampsia

    • Eclampsia is a serious condition caused by lowered blood calcium levels that can be fatal to your dog. Milk production increases the body's demand for calcium and is one possible cause of eclampsia. Poor nutrition and lack of calcium absorption by the intestines can also lead to eclampsia. Dogs exhibiting decreased maternal instincts, including a refusal to nurse, may have eclampsia. Other symptoms include restless or nervous behavior, panting, pacing, irritability, drooling or trouble walking. Take your dog to the vet immediately if they exhibit these symptoms. If the vet confirms eclampsia, he will put the dog on calcium therapy to counter the lowered calcium levels.


    • Inflamed and infected mammary glands are also known as mastitis. There may be no symptoms if only one gland is affected, but if more glands are infected your dog may begin to run a fever and refuse nursing. Mothers with mastitis will often produce off-color, clumpy milk. A vet will be able to treat the condition through a regimen of antibiotics, hot packing the mammary glands and milking the glands.


    • Infection and inflammation of the uterus is found in dogs with metritis. Symptoms include fever, decreased milk production and lack of maternal instincts, lethargy, loss of appetite and strong, malodorous vaginal discharge. Antibiotics and fluid therapy should resolve the metritis, but spaying may be necessary.

    Lack of Maternal Instinct

    • Often a lack of maternal instinct is seen in first time mothers who are unaware of how to care for their offspring. To rectify this, you may need to hold the mother down during gently nursing. Give the dog praise for any interest she shows in her offspring. Poor maternal instincts should reverse within a week of this therapy. Sometimes mothers who have given birth before will refuse to nurse. Her own mother may have exhibited a lack of maternal instinct and she is now doing the same. The dog should be checked for any signs of illness. Another possible cause of diminished maternal instincts is stress, both the dog's and the owner's.