How to Keep Your Dog from Biting When Putting Medicine in His Eyes

All of us at sometime have to give medication to our dogs, whether it is oral, in their ears or in their eyes. As a result, many dogs are fearful, expressing their anxiety with some aggressive behavior. Medicating your dog's eyes is an important but messy task. Some dogs will gladly cooperate with you while others may require some form of restraint.


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      Place your dog in a comfortable position on a table lying on its side opposite to the eye you are medicating. If your dog is resisting, a helper may be needed to hold your dog down.

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      Speak to your dog through the whole process. What you are saying to your dog is not as important as your tone of voice to help soothe and make your dog feel more at ease.

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      Put a muzzle on your dog if biting and aggression is still an issue. A muzzle most times will reduce the need for further restraint. Once the muzzle is on, your dog will be more submissive for you to medicate the eye as needed.

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      Cradle your dog's head in your left hand while facing your dog. The medication will be applied to the eyes with your right hand. If your dog is still struggling with the muzzle on, you may still need someone to hold the dog in order to put the medication in properly.