How to Contain a Dog in a Garage

If you have company over, or your dog gets into mischief while you are not home, you may consider keeping it in the garage. Keeping a dog in the garage should not be a permanent solution, but you can use it as a temporary holding area. Depending on the weather, a garage can get quite warm or be very cold, which can be dangerous to your dog's health. Properly preparing the garage will help to protect your dog from injury or sickness.


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      Dog-proof your garage. Remove all items such as toxic chemicals, dangerous tools, dangerous hardware and electrical cables. Chemicals such as car detailing supplies, motor oil, antifreeze, paint, gasoline, windshield washer fluid, pesticides and cleaning solvents, can be highly toxic to your dog. Items such as batteries, power tools, nails, screws, saws and lawn care equipment can all harm your dog, as the dog can ingest small hardware or injure itself on the sharp tools. Do not just place the items on a shelf; instead remove them from the garage.

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      Make it comfortable for the dog. If the garage gets warm, provide a fan to keep the area cool. Make sure the fan's electrical cord is out of the dog's reach and that the fan offers a protective barrier over the fan blades. If the garage gets cold, offer a bed and warm blankets to the dog. Set up an area where the dog can be comfortable and cushion it with warm bedding.

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      Supply water. Always have water available to your dog. Depending on the dog, it may be nervous in the garage, leading to panting which increases thirst. But even if your dog is comfortable in the garage, be sure it has plenty of water.

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      Offer entertainment. If you are going to keep the dog in the garage for an extended period, offer a chew bone or toys. If the dog becomes bored, it may become destructive. The dog may begin to chew on shelving, rip up its bedding or even chew on walls or paneling inside the garage. A dog with options for keeping itself entertained is more likely to be content and not destructive.