Things You'll Need
- 1/4 cup ammonia
- Plastic bag
- 1 tbsp. cayenne pepper
- Dog proof trash can
Place the trash can into a closet or in a cupboard that can accommodate the size of the can. This will prevent the dog access from the can altogether.
Feed the dog several smaller meals throughout the day or offer him treats periodically. This will keep the dog's hunger at bay, which will keep him from hungrily invading the trash.
Pour 1/4-cup ammonia into the trash can or place a plastic bag with the ammonia into the bottom of the can. The dog will find the ammonia odor offensive and keep away.
Rub one tablespoon of cayenne pepper onto the lid or side of the trash can. The dog will lick or smell the pepper and associate this unwanted taste and smell with the trash can.
Locate an animal-proof trash can, which can be purchased for around $100-$200 dollars at pet stores as of 2010. These cans come equipped with a lever or lock that can only be accessed by humans.