How to Make a Web Page For a Pit Bull Kennel

Building a website for a pit bull kennel is no different than building one for any other purpose. You will need to have an understanding of some simple tasks, such as buying a domain and getting a host and how to drive traffic to the site. These are time consuming but they are usually simple things you can do to show case your dogs. People need to be able to find your kennel online. This is where things can get a bit tricky, but if you follow the steps you will be able to have your site up and viewed in no time at all.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Internet service
  • Domain name
  • Hosting
  • Design software
  • Dog pictures
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  1. Buy A Domain Name

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      Buy a domain name from either GoDaddy or Namecheap. This is how your site will be found, so use your kennel name or something close to it that will help identify your site as being about pit bulls. Unless your kennel name includes your own name, it is suggested that you don't use that as your domain name as this may confuse your potential clients. Something relevant is much easier to remember and find on the Internet.

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      Find a host company that will store your website. There are many out there, so compare what you are getting for the cost. Some host services will offer a discount to new customers. Take advantage of this for the first month to see how reliable the server is. If you find that they are down more of the month than working, find another host company. Do a Google search to find host companies and their prices.

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      Buy or download software to design your site. This can be Frontpage, or something similar, or a Word press template. Either way, you will begin the design process. Even if you are not creative you will be able to build a website with a template. Check to see if your new host company offers templates to use. This will take care of finding art work as well as showing you the proper format for a website. Choose your color schemes carefully, if it is not pleasant to look at you will lose your site visitor in less than 4 seconds.

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      Add pictures of your dogs as the design comes together. This will give your visitor more information about the kennel than just words. Pictures let them see how the dogs are kept at your facility. Do not use bad lighting or red eye pictures. A good digital camera is worth the price of a dog when you are trying to showcase your kennel.

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      Upload your website via FTP to your server after you have designed it. Unless you have used a template from the hosting company, the template allows you to design your kennel site online. Software such as Frontpage allows you to design your site on your computer to then be uploaded when finished to the server.