How to Train a Boxer's Ears

If you own a boxer, keeping your dog's natural ears as opposed to clipping them has become a more accepted practice. Boxers naturally have somewhat floppy ears that can become misshapen and asymmetrical as the dogs go through life. For boxer owners who want to maintain their dog's natural ears but want to train the ears to be more symmetrical to their pet's face, there are some simple, harmless solutions that will achieve a "trained" look.

Things You'll Need

  • Masking, electrical or first-aid tape
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    • 1

      Cut two 6-inch pieces of tape. These will be used to tape each ear lobe into a "folded" shape. First-aid tape is preferable since it is the least sticky and will not hurt the dog when you remove it; however, the other tapes will work just as well and won't be uncomfortable for your boxer.

    • 2

      Take one ears and "fold" it so that each edge is touching approximately one inch from the top fold. It should resemble the shape of a taco.

    • 3

      Apply the tape securely around the fold, leaving a one-inch piece of tape off the folded ear (this is how you will remove the tape later). Leave the tape on the dog's ears for 30 minutes to an hour, then remove it.

    • 4

      Massage you boxer's ears when the dog is relaxed. Sit behind the dog and use both hands, placing your thumbs at the base of the ear and your forefingers at the crease.

    • 5

      Roll the ears between your thumbs and forefingers as you would clay or dough. This massage is fantastic to your boxer, who will more than likely be in a state of complete relaxation as you knead the ears into shape.

    • 6

      Continue massaging for 15 minutes or more (you cannot over-massage); do it as often as you like.

    • 7

      Repeat Steps 1-6 routinely until the desired shape of the ear takes effect. The combination of the taped ears and the ear massages will soon result in sculpted "natural" ears that will remain close to the dog's face rather than flailing wildly out to the sides, giving that "perky" look.