Predator Hunting With Dogs

Hunters have used dogs for centuries to hunt predators. The use of dogs is often specific to the prey, and in some cases dogs have been bred specifically for the pursuit of a particular animal.
  1. Fox

    • The red fox was hunted for sport in the English empire; the fox hound was bred for the fox hunt. England banned fox hunting using hounds in November 2004 after decades of debate.


    • Europeans settling North America hunted the once common cougar with traps and dogs. Dogs treed the cougars, making them easy prey.

    Black Bear

    • In the summers of 1981 and 1982, research was conducted regarding the effects of hunting black bears with dogs. The study showed that bears used specific tactics to outmaneuver the dogs. The dogs eventually became too tired to continue, or had lost the scent of the bear, making them ineffective.


    • Coyotes are controlled in the United States due to their predation on livestock animal populations. Greyhounds are used for hunting coyotes in open spaces, while varieties of hounds are preferred for areas with thick vegetation. Other breeds of dog may be employed for flushing out coyotes or as decoys.