How to Fence a Dog Pen

A pen is an enclosure for either pets or livestock. If a pen is properly planned, designed and fenced, it can be a relatively pleasant space for a pet. Dog pens are very common in backyards and usually consist of metal or wooden posts for corners and metal mesh fencing as a borderline. If you want to make a proper dog pen, you may want to know how to fence it.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Spray paint
  • Hole digger
  • Wood posts
  • Gravel
  • Fast-setting concrete
  • Level and wooden braces
  • Circular saw
  • Pencil
  • 2x4 lumber
  • Gate hardware
  • Fencing
  • Heavy duty stapler
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    • 1

      Measure and plan a space for your dog pen. Choose a place in your backyard where the dog pen will be most suitable, depending on your needs and preferences, as well as zoning laws in your area.

      There are no specific guidelines about the shape or dimensions of a dog pen. Even the height itself depends on the dog's size. So make sure to take all these factors into consideration before making a plan for your dog pen design.

    • 2

      Mark the outline of your dog pen on the ground using spray paint. Also, mark the places for the corner and line posts.

    • 3

      Use a hole digger to dig 3-foot deep holes for your dog pen posts. Choose pre-cut wood or metal posts of a height you need. However, note that using wood posts is much easier because the fencing will need to be stapled in place.

    • 4

      Put the posts into the holes, covering the bottom with gravel and the top with fast-setting concrete. Make the concrete mix according to the instructions on the package and follow the guidelines referring to the hardening and curing process. Check if the posts are absolutely vertical immediately after pouring the concrete. Then adjust if needed and secure them in their position with wooden braces.

    • 5

      Build the gate for the dog pen using a simple rectangular wooden design and door hardware. Make a frame for the gate, as well as the gate itself, from 2x4-inch lumber, cutting it down to size with a circular saw.

    • 6

      Unroll the chain link fence and begin to attach it to the posts. Start from one corner post and then continue to the next one, unrolling the fence as you go.

    • 7

      Secure the chain link fence to the wooden poles with a heavy duty stapler.