Hi-tech Toys
Digital aquariums are easy to operate. The American Pet Products Association (APPA) reports high-tech toys can enhance a pet's environment and make life easier for the pet owner. Consider a digital aquarium, automatic pet feeder, reptile terrarium light system and toys that respond to touch. Cat massage centers encourage stalking, pouncing, and even provide feline gum stimulation.
Gourmet Treats
Go gourmet with brand name biscuits. The art of giving to a pet may include going gourmet with veterinary approved delicacies. APPA reports big name companies are featuring such products for pets including steak pet treats for dogs and cats from Omaha Steaks and pet clothing from Old Navy.
Getaway Gift
Pets want to stay with the family. One of the top pet trends, according to APPA, is vacationing with the family at pet-friendly lodgings. According to the Pet Friendly Network of Florida, animal friendly resorts such as the Pineapple Villas on Laguna Beach, Fla. are on the rise. Pineapple Villas' pet vacations feature a dog walk exercise area and a fenced-in playground for puppies.
Animal Safe Wrap
Unwrapping is half the fun. According to a poll by Furry Fun Pet Magazine, 36 percent of pet owners wrap gifts for their pets to open. Find a non-toxic, pet-safe wrapping paper that has self-adhesive edges and eliminate the need for cellophane tape. Avoid tying up the gift and supervise the unwrapping frenzy.
Fun Pet Gifts
Pets are faithful companions that provide their owners with numerous benefits including friendship, stress reduction and lower blood pressure. When it comes time to reward pets, toys, treats and outings top the list. Fun pet gifts often keep both pet and owner on the move, and contribute to a long and successful relationship.