How to Locate a Dog With GPS Chip

When you lose your dog, it is a devastating experience. If a dog loses its collar with identification tags, locating it is virtually impossible. However, today's technology allows your dog to be microchipped. A rice grain-sized transponder is injected between the shoulder blades of your dog. The procedure is the same as receiving a vaccine injection and is not painful. If someone finds a lost dog, he should bring it to a veterinarian office or animal shelter. They will scan the microchip and a specialized identification number will appear.


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      Have your dog microchipped through your veterinarian. Register your dog's information as soon as possible into databases like Homeagain and Petfinder. With sites like these, it will be easier to locate your dog if it should cross county or state lines.

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      Contact local veterinarians and animals shelters should your dog become lost. Only vets and shelters possess the scanner to read your dog's microchip.Give them your dog's microchip number and your contact information.

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      Check databases like Petfinder. You can either place a lost dog bulletin, which will require your dog's microchip number, or you can look to see if your dog has been located. If it has been found at a shelter or vet, the microchip and information will be listed on the site.