Can I Spray My Dog With Neutroleum Alpha for Skunk Odor?

It's hard to miss when a dog gets sprayed by a skunk. Usually the dog will come running as though it did something wrong, followed by an unmistakable pungent odor. And now you are faced with the daunting task of getting rid of the skunk smell.
  1. Skunk Spray

    • The spray of a skunk is golden yellow, almost amber-colored oil. It is made up of chemicals called thiols, which are also found in garlic and onion. The skunk uses its spray as a defensive mechanism and as a last resort.

    Neutroleum Alpha

    • Neutroleum alpha is a chemical used for neutralizing odors. It is toxic and an irritant and the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources advises against using it on humans or pets. It is, however, effective on inanimate objects.


    • There are no remedies that will get rid of skunk odor completely but most products can decrease the severity of the smell. According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website, since a skunk's spray is only slightly volatile, only time will eliminate the lingering odor.