Aberrant Dog Behavior

All domesticated dogs exhibit typical canine behaviors such as dominance, submission and playfulness. Dogs can also display aberrant or abnormal behavior, which should not be left untreated.
  1. Definition

    • Aberrant behavior can include extreme aggression, anxiety, constant barking, hyperactivity, biting at the air, tail chasing and constant grooming. Sudden change in a dog's behavior or mood is also considered aberrant behavior.


    • Aberrant dog behavior can be caused by many factors, including abuse, neglect, poor diet, inadequate exercise, lack of proper training and an irregular schedule. Medical conditions such as thyroid disease, neurological problems, skin diseases and obsessive compulsive disorder can also cause aberrant dog behavior.


    • A veterinarian should be consulted immediately when a dog displays aberrant behavior. The dog may have a serious medical condition that may worsen if left untreated. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can be used to treat behavioral disorders in dogs. A change in diet, routine, exercise or training may be needed in less severe cases.