Essential Oils for Dog Fleas

Getting rid of dog fleas and keeping them at bay does not have to involve chemical products. Many essential oils repel fleas, keeping them off your dog and out of your home. You can use one essential oil at a time or mix them together. Just remember to never place undiluted essential oils directly on your dog's skin, as they can be quite irritating. Dilute essential oils in water or a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil.
  1. Sweet Orange Oil

    • Use sweet orange oil on your dog's collar to keep fleas at bay. Mix one drop of sweet orange essential oil for every nine drops of carrier oil, and dab 1 to 2 drops of the mixture on your dog's collar or on your dog, preferably between the shoulder blades.

    Lavender Oil

    • Lavender oil is nontoxic and is safe to use on your dog. In a dark-colored, pint-sized spray bottle, mix 10 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil and water. It is safe to mist your dog and even yourself with this solution. Keep the spray bottle handy so you can spray your dog before you take it out for a walk or meet with other dogs in your neighborhood or at the dog park.

    Peppermint Oil

    • If you want to keep fleas from invading your house, put 1 to 2 drops of peppermint essential oil on cotton balls and place the cotton balls in inconspicuous places, such as behind furniture and inside closets. Not only will you keep fleas away, your house will smell wonderful too.

    Mixed-Oils Flea Spray

    • Mix two drops of pure lavender essential oil and two drops of pure cedar wood essential oil with 600 ml of warm water in a dark-colored spray bottle and spray it on your dog, preferably after it has had a bath. Give your dog a quick spray before you take it outside.