Remedies for Dogs Sprayed by Skunks

Cleaning a dog that has been sprayed by a skunk is one of the lesser joys of pet ownership. Washing a dog with soap, shampoo and water will not remove the smell, and over the years people have concocted a wide variety of homemade remedies. Skunk spray must be neutralized at the chemical level, and any remedy lacking a mild acidic or alkaline base will do little to counter the stench.
  1. Hydrogen Peroxide Remedy

    • Mix 1 qt. of 3 percent peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 tsp. of liquid dish soap in a plastic bowl. Mix the solution thoroughly with a wooden or plastic spoon. Add 1 qt. of warm water to the solution if washing a large dog. Wear latex gloves and bathe your dog completely, but avoid getting the solution in your dog's eyes. Leave the peroxide mix in place for 10 minutes before rinsing. Repeat the procedure if the smell lingers.

    Tomato Juice Remedy

    • Tomato juice is slightly acidic and will help neutralize the alkaline compounds found in skunk spray. Wear latex gloves, pour large cans of tomato juice over your dog and massage it deep into the fur. Repeat this procedure until the odor dissipates and then wash and shampoo your dog. Rubbing raw, sliced tomatoes over your dog's fur may also help, as tomatoes fresh off the vine contain more acid than a commercial juice.

    Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy

    • Mix 2/3 gallon of warm water with 1/3 gallon of apple cider vinegar. Wear latex gloves and soak your dog's fur, making certain the mixture reaches his skin. Rinse your dog with water and repeat the vinegar bath, rinsing until the aroma disappears. Avoid getting the vinegar mixture in your dog's eyes.