Natural Cures for Itching in Dogs

An itchy coat can be a very uncomfortable problem for a dog, and difficult for owners, too. Dogs have sharp claws that wreak much damage to their coat and skin if they suffer from skin disorders that causes them to scratch incessantly. There are many natural products that can alleviate an itch for a dog, but the root problem, which can range from allergies to fleas should be addressed, too.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Applied directly to the skin or diluted 1:1 with water, apple cider vinegar conditions skin and hair and eliminates dandruff. Dogs with yeast issues will benefit from this soothing rinse, as vinegar helps balance the pH levels in the body. For a soft and shiny coat, apply apple cider vinegar to the skin after shampooing, then rinse.


    • There are many commercial oatmeal soaps and lotions on the market, but you can also make your own paste. Simply cook oats with a minimal amount of water to create a paste, then cool. Apply to the dog's skin and leave it for a few minutes, then rinse to remove. Alternatively, boil one pound of organic oats in 2 quarts of water. When cool, add this mixture to a tub of water and give the dog a soak.

    Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

    • Fatty acids, such as omega-3s and omega-6s can provide substantial relief to itchy dogs. Their anti-inflammatory agents help raw and inflamed skin and have virtually no side effects. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish oils, while omega-6 fatty acids are sourced from plants containing gamma-linolenic acid. Fish oil caplets can be given to a dog orally, while some commercially prepared fatty acids are in liquid form and can be added to the dog's food. Often, dogs love the taste of fish oil.


    • Aspirin caplets mixed with rubbing alcohol or dissolved in tea water can be applied externally with a cotton ball to hot spots or itchy skin to relieve inflammation. It is important to note that the aspirin should not be given orally.

    Epsom Salts

    • Epsom salts added to a cool bath can give prompt relief to a dog with an itchy coat. Simply add the salts and let the dog stand in the bath for a few minutes. Make sure the dog doesn't dip its tongue in the water to drink.