How to Prepare a Dog for Shipping Overseas

Shipping a pet overseas can be stressful. Not only is it daunting for the dog but it can be costly, time consuming and involve a lot of paperwork. You can start making it easier for your dog by getting him used to being in an airline crate.

Things You'll Need

  • Airline crate
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      Buy a crate that is approved for use on an airline. These are hard plastic crates that will stand the weight of luggage falling on them, not the wire kind. The crate should have room for your pet to stand up and turn around in.

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      Accustom your dog to the crate slowly. If your dog is already crate trained this won't be too difficult a transition. Feed your dog in the crate and make sure he has positive associations with it. Get him used to lengthier stay, such as overnight, but do not confine him extensively. All associations should be positive.

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      Talk to your vet about any options you can use to help your dog during his journey. Depending on your dog and the length of the trip, he may recommend a tranquilizer or sleeping aid. Natural options may include Bach's Flower Remedies.