Dog Greeting Behavior

Dogs greet humans and other dogs in a number of different ways. Be aware of how your dog reacts before introducing him to new people, and always make sure it is OK with other dog owners before approaching their pets.
  1. Smelling

    • Dogs use scent to gather information about other dogs. They will also smell humans to find out where they have been and what other dogs they have been in contact with. Dogs will usually greet each other by smelling around the face and rear.


    • Often dogs are extremely excited when greeting their owners or visitors. They will often jump excitedly and lick at people's skin. This can often become a nuisance if not controlled.


    • Dogs communicate information by barking. Dogs may bark at an approaching dog or person, which can be an indication if a dog is willing to meet another animal.


    • Some dogs greet other dogs or new people by submitting. They may immediately lay down, tuck their tale between their legs or even urinate.


    • Dogs may not be receptive to greeting new people or animals and will become immediately aggressive. This is usually obvious by growling, barking and raising fur.