What Does It Mean When Your Dog Sits by the Door?

If you've ever loved a dog, you're likely all too well-acquainted with their loving yet often perplexing behaviors. If your pooch has a penchant for sitting by the door, it could signify anything from the desire to go outside and romp to the natural need to "go to the bathroom."
  1. Bathroom

    • If your pet is a young puppy or is otherwise in the middle of the housebreaking process, his sitting by the door could be an indication that he really has to go. The little guy knows that he goes outside to urinate and pass stools, and is attempting to alert you of his issue by parking his body in front of the door. To get you to notice him even more quickly, he might even persistently paw at the door or start incessantly barking.

    Separation Anxiety

    • Your pooch sitting by the door could also denote a case of separation anxiety. If he plants himself by the door when one of his closest human buddies is away at work all day, for example, it might be his canine way of trying to get out and see his beloved again. Your doggie doesn't necessarily have to wait by the front entrance, either. If your dog has separation anxiety and trails your every move inside of your home no matter where you go, he might just sit and wait patiently outside the bathroom door as you shower.

    Hormonal Behavior

    • Whether your dog is male or female, catching the cutie sitting by a door could be a sign of an escape effort. Intact canines of both sexes can get extremely antsy and stressed out because of hormones and the drive to venture outdoors and find a partner for mating. This frequently occurs when sexually mature female dogs are in heat, and at any point for sexually mature male dogs. If you notice your dog by your windows a lot too, then you might have even more "evidence" of a possible future getaway.

    Familiar Noises

    • If you catch your dog sitting by your front door every time you walk inside your house after returning back from the office, don't assume that the little guy has necessarily been waiting for you in that specific spot for hours on end. Dogs are smart creatures. If your pet heard the familiar noise of your garage opening, he might have enthusiastically walked up to the door from his cozy bed merely seconds before you put your hand on the doorknob. Your dog's brain might simply link the noise to your return, and voila -- you have an instant residential greeter.


    • By sitting by the door, your canine friend could just be telling you that he's pretty bored and wants to go outside and have a good time. He might connect the concept of the outdoors with play, running around and a whole host of thrilling experiences, from unfamiliar people walking by to wee animals in the yard.