What Fabric Won't Show Dog Hair?

The party is about to begin, and Harvey, your pure white, freshly washed dog is a proven host. He wags his tail excitedly as your guests pour in. Your guests mingle about; they sit on the couch and the chairs. You hope your pet-resistant fabrics are doing their job. You want to be sure your guests leave with good memories, and not a ton of Harvey's hair.
  1. Dog-Friendly Fabric

    • The pet-friendly home no longer includes sofas and chairs covered in plastic. Many manufacturers combine chic and pet-resistant alternatives in fabric choice. Ultrasuede fabric is created through a complex process that avoids weaving. Because woven fabrics frequently trap hair within the weave, Ultrasuede is pet hair resistant. Your party guests will be able to lounge contentedly, without gathering a mess on their trousers.


    • Leather, while on the pricy side, has a timeless appeal. It is durable, stain resistant, and can withstand the occasional scratch from Harvey if he's gone too long between pedicures. Leather, a natural skin and not a woven fiber, provides a naturally repellant surface that doesn't attract dog hair. Pleather, a manmade version of leather, can be equally attractive when you consider the durability factor. Both leather, and the less wallet-busting alternative pleather have a more slippery surface the hair won't cling to.

    The Slipcover

    • Birds of a feather flock together, so if you love dogs, it's very likely your friends do, too. They shouldn't be surprised when they walk into your pet-friendly home, so a slipcover probably won't leave tongues wagging days after your party. Slipcovers constructed of tightly-woven microfibers are less likely to attract and show dog hair. Choosing a slipcover in a color similar to that of your dog's coat may keep the hair from being more visible, and in terms of keeping the hair from clinging to your guests, the slipcover is easily removed during the party, while Harvey is being lavished upon by your friends.


    • It's not uncommon to create a wall of obstructions between Harvey and the couch, but setting a reasonable boundary might be a tad bit easier. If Harvey is the ultimate couch potato, consider getting him his own blanket or small bed and designate one end of the couch as Harveyville. The best fabric to repel dog hair may be the one that is off limits. Dogs enjoy having their own spot that smells like them, yet allows them the closeness and bonding time with you, their best friend.