What Is My Dog Telling Me by Licking My Hand?

Dogs are undeniably cute creatures, and most of the things they do are pretty adorable as well, whether licking your hand or snuggling up next to you on the couch at night. If you've ever wondered what your pooch means when he licks your hand, however, know that it could be a handful of different things.
  1. "Hi There!" and "You're in Charge!"

    • By licking your hand, your dog could be telling you that he's thrilled to see you. When a doggie licks his owner's hand, it essentially is a friendly "hello" mixed in with an admission of respect and esteem. Your dog is expressing his affection and happiness about seeing you, but is also indicating that he feels humble to you -- you're the boss in these parts, not the other way around. Canines out in the wild frequently lick older dogs as expressions of respect, and this behavior often transfers over to domestic pet situations.

    "Your Skin is Yummy"

    • Although it might sound bizarre, your dog might lick your hand simply because he enjoys its salty flavoring, snack style. In doing this, your dog might be telling you something like, "The salt on your skin is yummier than my dry food was tonight, by far."

    "This Relaxes Me"

    • Your pooch also could be deriving a lot of relaxation from licking your hand. When dogs lick things, it gives off "happy" hormones that put them at ease. If you have a nervous behavior that temporarily soothes you, then you know exactly how your pet feels. By licking your hand, your dog might be saying, "Doing this feels terrific and makes me feel cozy. After the long and taxing afternoon I just spent at the groomer, I totally deserve this."

    "Give Me Some Attention"

    • Some dogs employ licking as a way of getting coveted attention from their owners. Canines thrive on attention, after all. If your cutie has learned from experience that hand licking gets an instant reaction, he might use it as a way of getting you to focus on him. Perhaps he wants you to give him treats, or perhaps he wants to go outside for a walk. Either way, your pet is communicating to you that he wants you to drop what you're doing and acknowledge him. If you're not happy about his licking for attention, curb it by not giving in. Once he realizes that licking is fruitless in the attention department, he'll likely stop doing it so much.