Why Would a Dog Suddenly Start to Bark at Other Dogs?

As much as you love your dog, his barking can be frustrating, especially if it comes out of nowhere and you can't figure out exactly what's causing it. Many different things can trigger barking episodes in canines, including territorial behavior and pure apprehension. Barking at fellow animals is commonplace in the doggie world.
  1. "I'm Scared of Them"

    • Even humans occasionally find new people intimidating, and dogs are certainly vulnerable to this feeling. If you're nonchalantly walking your pooch down the street only to hear him erupt in a barking fit as soon as you pass a pair of much bigger dogs, there's a good chance that the poor thing is simply afraid of them. Not only are they unfamiliar to him, they're a lot bigger than he is -- and there are two of them, to boot. Your dog could also be employing his fear as a way of "notifying" you, his pack member, of upcoming danger -- essentially, these strange new dogs.

    "All Mine"

    • If your dog abruptly begins barking at a couple of other canines, it could be that their presence brought out the territorial streak in him. If your dog feels threatened in any way by other dogs, he might attempt to protect what he believes is his own by barking. If you're standing with your dog in your backyard and he spots two other pooches off in your neighbor's yard, don't be surprised if he gets a little noisy -- he doesn't want them to encroach on his turf.

    "Look At Me"

    • When a canine takes it upon himself to burst into barking at the mere sight of other dogs, it could be as simple as a cry for attention. He might see potential play buddies in the others. By barking he might be communicating a message like, "I'm ready to play and have some good old-fashioned fun. Look at me!"


    • By seemingly randomly barking at other dogs, your friendly pooch could simply be trying to begin a dialogue with them. What might seem like barking to you could actually be a pleasant and straightforward "How's it going, guys?" from your dog's point of view.

    "They Barked First"

    • If the other dogs around start barking first, don't be surprised if your cutie chimes in and does a little vocalization of his own. The existing cacophony could simply inspire your pet to join in on the fun -- barking style.