Why Are Pets Good for People Who Live Alone?

Pets are wonderful for countless reasons. Their limpid eyes and furry paws can be a source of comfort and support on even the most stressful and emotionally taxing of days. For people who live all by themselves, the presence of animals can even prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation from society.
  1. Enhanced Communication

    • Pets can be helpful for enhancing peoples' communication abilities. If you live by yourself and don't always have a person around to talk to, you still have to interact with Fido -- a way to keep your social proficiency intact. Pets prevent people from getting fully out of practice in the essential art of communication.

    Encouraging Chance Encounters

    • Owning a pet also can be a good way for people who live alone to come across potential new buds, whether through simply walking their dogs, browsing the cat food section at the grocery store, picking up the furry cuties from their grooming appointments or anything else of the sort. Remember, the common thread of owning a pet is often an effective icebreaker.

    Loneliness, Stress and Nervousness

    • Living alone can trigger loneliness in some people, and loneliness in turn can sometimes lead to stress and nervousness. Having a pet around can minimize those types of frustrating feelings by providing relaxation and ease of mind -- not too shabby.


    • Residing with other people can be a source of stability to humans. If you live with a spouse, you might have dinner together every evening, for example. If you have a child, you might prepare his school lunch meals every day. Owning a dog can also be useful in helping people establish a little rhythm and consistency to their lifestyles -- definitely a good thing. Whether you have to clean the litter box, take your poodle to the park or "converse" with your parrot, boredom and pet ownership are two things that never belong in the same sentence. Having a pet around can also often bring out a much-needed feeling of purpose in people.


    • Pet ownership also can be useful for security reasons, plain and simple. If your pooch barks every time he senses someone hanging around your home, he could potentially discourage troublesome trespassers -- phew. If you live by yourself and every single outside noise terrifies you, that could provide a lot of peace of mind.

    Health Benefits

    • Whether you live alone or not, pet ownership can often have a positive effect on your health. The sweet company of an animal is associated with a lot of health perks, specifically reduced cholesterol, reduced blood pressure and even reduced heart rate.