Places to Vacation With Dogs

Your dog is an important part of your family; it makes sense that you don't like leaving him behind when you go on vacation, even when you know he'll be cared for well. Bringing your pets on vacation is becoming the norm, and savvy destinations are catering to those of us who do. Get out and enjoy a vacation with your dog.
  1. Lodging

    • If you're planning to stay in motels or hotels while on vacation, call ahead to check the availability of pet-friendly rooms. Some hotels offer pet day care, grooming and massage. At the very least, pet-safe rooms and a safe, clean, convenient area to walk your dog should be available. Establishments that allow dogs typically have designated exercise yards, complete with bags and waste-disposal stations. Many campsites and RV parks are dog-friendly. Leash laws are usually in effect; ask about pet rules.

    Walking and Hiking

    • Dog-friendly cities have fenced dog parks where you can let your dog roam off-leash. Some of these require residency, though, if not a fee. Outside of established dog parks, dogs are generally allowed in public areas, including city sidewalks, city parks, state parks and other public areas. In some cases, special events may temporarily ban dogs from delineated public areas. If you enjoy hiking, find out ahead of time what trails, parks, river walks and community gathering spots are dog-friendly. If you enjoy shopping, look for towns with pet-friendly boutiques.

    Dog-Friendly Activities

    • Many dog-friendly vacation spots host dog-oriented activities. Pet parades, dog shows and agility trials are some activities to look for. Dog camps offer something for owners and their dogs, including training and activities such as disc-catching, swimming, dancing, obedience training and canine acting. If your dog is crowd-friendly, ask about town festivals that welcome well-behaved dogs.

    Restaurants and Bars

    • Some cities are home to restaurants that cater to dogs, and even have indoor pet seating areas. Most restaurants, however, limit pets to outdoor patios. Restaurants that cater to dogs may offer treats or pet menus. If you wish to enjoy a cocktail in the company of your pet, many bars have outdoor patios that allow dogs.

    Special Considerations

    • Exercise common sense when traveling with your dog. Keep your pet on his leash when you're in unfamiliar areas. Always carry bags so you can pick up after him. If you're hiking or walking, carry water and a collapsible bowl for your dog. Observe local laws and facility rules. Some areas are off-limits to pets, often to protect wildlife or preserve landscaping. Allow only trained, well-behaved, socialized dogs around people and other animals.