Affordable Way to Take Care of My Maltese While I'm at Work

Maltese dogs are lively. They love attention. They enjoy scampering outside and being near their owners. What do you do when you need to be away from them while at work for several hours each day? There are several ideas to consider. Even though some personality traits are common to the Maltese breed, not all Maltese dogs are alike. Each dog is unique in its personality. The key to finding a successful and affordable solution concerning care for your Maltese while you are at work is to first consider the personality of your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Baby or pet gate
  • Newspapers, puppy training papers or dog litter tray
  • Dog bed
  • Favorite toy
  • Dog food
  • Water dispenser
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  1. In-Home Solutions

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      Create a comfortable play space for the Maltese while you are gone. Place dog toys--ones that are available to the dog only while you are at work--in this space. Make sure the play space is in an area where the Maltese can play safely.

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      Use a baby or pet gate to block your dog off from other areas of the house. The dog needs to have boundaries while you are gone. This will also help it recognize there is to be a behavioral difference when you are at work and when you are at home.

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      Put out a food bowl, but do not overfill it. A dog that is bored will overeat. Take into consideration your personal dog's eating habits and feed accordingly.

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      Use a water dispenser. Putting out a water bowl can cause complications: The dog could accidentally spill the water; the dog could become anxious because of spilling, because there is no water to drink after spilling, or because the dog has an accident after drinking too much water.

    Pet Sitters

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      Hire a pet sitter to care for your dog in your home. Check the sitter's references carefully.

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      Prepare the home for the pet sitter. Leave any important contact information where the pet sitter can easily access it. If your dog has a medical condition, you may want to fill out a medical release form with your veterinarian's office for your pet sitter to use in case of an emergency. Write down a list of medications your dog is taking, and the dosage information. Tell your landlord or neighbors that your pet sitter will be there, so they will be aware of someone new coming into your home.

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      Prepare the Maltese for the pet sitter. Give the pet an identification tag. Inform your veterinarian that you will have a pet sitter, and give the office the pet sitter's name. Check to make sure the Maltese's leash is in good shape. Make sure food, treats and medication are stocked and available for the pet sitter.

    Pet Daycare Providers

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      Find a fully staffed dog daycare that offers care for social dogs such as the Maltese. Find one in your area.

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      Check the provider's reputation and credentials. Ask to look around. See if they pets look happy and playful. Ask to call a few of their customers for references.

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      Check while you are there to see if the other dogs look healthy. You don't want your Maltese around ill animals.

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      Ask about games the provider's employees play with the dogs while you are away. Reputable dog daycares play "tag" or "fetch" games. Ask about games that your Maltese likes to play.

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      Find out what they charge for daycare. If the cost is not affordable to you, ask them about daycare at your home. Some daycares will offer an in-home service for a smaller fee, or they will have an employee willing to work outside of the facility for a smaller fee.