Things You'll Need
- Bushes (shrubs)
- Wireless dog fence
Remove all structures near the PVC fence. According to the Humane Society of the United States, dogs regularly use structures such as chairs and doghouses as springboards to jump over fences. Place the structures near the center of your yard or as far away from the PVC fence as possible.
Plant bushes or shrubs a few feet apart and alongside the entire PVC fence to prevent your dog from getting a good running start. Bushes will also help decrease your dog's viewing ability, therefore hindering him from spying on and getting excited about mailmen, cats and other dogs.
Install a wireless dog fence close to the PVC fence. Wireless dog fences are safe and dependable and use a transmitter and collar to help keep your dog contained in your yard. Keep the transmitter dry at all times and change the batteries in the dog collar regularly. You can purchase a wireless dog fence at hardware stores.