Symptoms of a Dog Saliva Allergy

Although a dog can be man's best friend, about 30 percent of Americans are allergic to dogs, according to Allergies can affect a person of any age, and dog allergens are present in a dog's skin, urine and saliva. These allergens and dander float in the air and contaminate everything in the home. There are specific symptoms for allergies to dog saliva in particular.
  1. Rhinitis

    • Dog saliva contains many proteins and allergens that cause some people to have allergic reactions. When dogs drool, chew or lick people or other household items, the allergens in the saliva get airborne, which exposes you to it and you breathe in the harmful allergens. The allergens in the saliva can cause rhinitis, more commonly known as stuffy nose or nasal congestion. Rhinitis can cause a runny nose, post nasal drip and a scratchy throat. The scratchy throat could lead to temporary voice loss. The symptoms are usually worse when you are near your dog or just after touching him.

    Asthma and Hives

    • All symptoms experienced from dog saliva allergies are bothersome, but asthma and hives are some of the most uncomfortable. Asthma is when the bronchial tubes become narrowed and inflamed. It also can cause difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

      Hives are pink areas of skin or welts that are raised and itchy. These welts can appear all over the body and can be accompanied by a rash or small, pink bumps. Hives can be a result of direct contact with dog saliva or indirectly, such as petting a dog who has licked its fur or coming in contact with a household surface to which the dog has been exposed.

    Itchy Eyes, Coughing and Sneezing

    • A telltale sign of allergies, including dog saliva allergies, are dry and red, itchy-watery eyes. Persistent coughing and sneezing often accompany itchy eyes. Typically, the symptoms are worse when in direct contact with your dog. You should avoid touching your eyes or face directly after having contact with your pet to lessen the itchy eye symptoms.