How to Help Dogs That Are Nervous From Thunderstorms

Dogs can become skittish and afraid during thunderstorms. They will often act out with various behaviors due to their fear of the noise and the flashing lights that are occurring outside. Dogs' ears hear a larger sound range than human ears and thunderstorms can be deafening to their ears. Calming your dog during thunderstorms and making it so that it is not afraid of thunderstorms will take time, consistent training and kindness toward your canine friend.


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      Talk to your dog in a calm voice.

      Act calm during thunderstorms and talk to your dog in a calm voice. Animals can feel fear in their people and if you act even a little bit afraid during the thunderstorm, your dog will be also. If you keep calm it will help your dog stay calm.

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      Talk to your dog and give it plenty of attention during the thunderstorm. Stay with your dog and pet it and talk in a normal voice to the dog. Your dog will appreciate the fact that you stayed with it during the thunderstorm and it will take comfort in your presence. Give your dog plenty of love during the thunderstorm and your dog will feel a little more comfortable because of it. Play with your dog and try to distract it with its favorite toys and treats.

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      Comfort your dog by making its favorite hiding spot easily accessible and comfortable. Put a blanket and a few of the dog's favorite toys there. Place some treats in its favorite spot so that the dog is distracted from the noise for a few minutes. A safe place will make your dog feel more secure during the storm.

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      Desensitize your dog by exposing the dog to the sounds of a thunderstorm when the thunderstorm is not actually occurring. Start by playing a video or a CD that has the sounds of a thunderstorm on it. Watch the dog's reaction when you play it on low. Increase the volume to determine the dog's discomfort spot. Keep practicing with your dog when there are not thunderstorms and eventually the dog will be a bit more comfortable during the thunderstorm.

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      Consult with your vet if the fear is something that you cannot help your dog control. Many vets have suggestions on what to do during thunderstorms or can prescribe something to help keep your dog calm during storms. Sometimes the reason a dog acts up during thunderstorms is a medical reason and your vet will be the best person to help you.