Animals & Human Communication

For many, the ability to communicate with animals hinges on the animal's memorization of commands and appropriate responses: "Come," "Sit," "Down" and "No." Some people, however, believe that animals and humans are capable of extrasensory communication---communicating with each other through psychic power. The ability to communicate with your pets using your mind is a skill that some believe can be taught.
  1. Thinking in Pictures

    • Believers in animal communication agree that animals think in pictures---they do not think logically or have complicated inner monologues, but instead act on feelings, intuition and visual clues. By monitoring the mental images on which you concentrate, you may be able to determine what your pet may be "seeing" in your head.


    • Animal communication believers recommend meditation before attempting to open a line of communication between a pet and yourself. You must quiet your mind, eliminate the thoughts and worries that regularly race through your head and concentrate on forging a psychic connection between the two of you.

    Testing Waters

    • Laura Simpson, an animal communicator with Global Psychics, recommends testing your psychic connection with your pet by vocally asking a simple question. By starting with something simple, you may elicit a psychic reaction. For example, your animal may seem to ask for a specific snack---giving it to her may help you determine if she actually asked for it


    • Animal lovers interested in animal communication may study published books on the subject or enroll in workshops that teach the alleged skill. Self-titled animal communicators may also offer their services for a fee, alleging to communicate with your pet on your behalf.


    • Animal communication does not necessarily have to be psychic. Koko is a female gorilla born in 1971 that is fluent in sign language and understands spoken English. Her ability to communicate with humans via sign language has opened the door to new research and understanding of her kind. Koko understands more than 1,000 signs.