Human Characteristics of a Dog

Having human characteristics are something a dog has to a certain point. Dogs have feelings, feel tension and can feel sadness or happiness just as we do. Humans have more in-depth feelings and know more about why these feeling are occurring than animals, but the feelings are still present in dogs. Animals have their own natural instincts, but many dog emotions are similar to humans.
  1. Happy and Sad Emotions

    • Dogs feel sad when someone passes away. They are happy when their needs or wants are satisfied. Dogs live in the moment, as they cannot reason and think beyond what is happening right then. They can feel that you are sad, but they do not know why. They only live for whatever smell, feeling or sound is going on right then.

    Separation Anxiety

    • Having the feeling of separation anxiety is a dog characteristic that is human. Barking constantly, being destructive and becoming upset are all signs of separation anxiety. Dogs are not meant to be left alone, as they run in packs, which is a natural instinct.

      Your dog may chew on everything or go through your garbage when left alone. A dog might also chew on parts of its own body, because it prefers companionship.

    Similar Behavior

    • Figuring out where their treats are, how to get to where they are going the fastest way, using things such as doors or latches, and learning words and what things mean are all things that dogs can do like humans. Dogs can purposely deceive humans or other dogs to get what they want.


    • Socializing is a characteristic that dogs and humans have alike. "Dogs and humans are both social animals," says Phillip W. Long, M.D., a psychiatrist in Vancouver, B.C. Just as we enjoy socializing and being around other people, dogs enjoy being around other dogs and people.