How to Train Sled Dogs in Alaska

If you're fascinated by mushing and sled-dog racing, you may have thought about learning how to train sled dogs in Alaska. Although you might be set to buy your own sled team and head for the North, you don't know how to do any of it-- yet. There are dozens of sled-dog clubs throughout North America. If you're interested in learning how to train dogs, you'll be able to find mentors in the clubs who are willing to train you.


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      Look for a mentor on If there isn't a mentor in your area, locate one in an area you'd be willing to live in, at least temporarily.

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      Contact the mentor and train with him or her. Learn how to handle sled dogs, as well as feed, care for and train them.

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      Check the classified ads at Sled Dog Central under "Handlers" and contact a musher in Alaska willing to hire you as a handler.

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      Move to Alaska. You may have to look for a job there to pay your expenses. Start training and handling sled dogs, then eventually you'll be able to purchase your own team and equipment.