Why Does My Dog Move So Much When He's Sleeping?

A dog that moves around when sleeping is in a deep sleeping state and is likely to be dreaming. This occurs in most dogs and is a natural behavior.
  1. REM

    • When a dog first falls asleep, he enters slow wave sleep, where the dog's mind is asleep. The next stage is rapid eye movement sleep, when the body is relaxed but the brain is awake. The dog's eyes might twitch, he might move his legs as if he is running and his breathing might become louder.

    Amount of Time

    • According to Dr. Nicholas Dodman from PetPlace.com, the average adult dog spends approximately 10 to 12 percent of his time in REM sleep.


    • Dogs dreaming about chasing animals or running around usually make running motions with their legs while asleep. Dogs dreaming of food might make a chewing noise with their mouths. Some dogs even wag their tails when asleep.


    • As well as moving around, a dreaming dog might make noises such as whines, whimpers, barks or yips. This can be startling to owners the first time but is perfectly normal.


    • Most dog owners find their dog's dream behavior to be endearing and entertaining. The movement and noise may not last long, but is interesting to watch.