Explanation of Reserve Ribbons in a Dog Show

Dogs competing for championship points in the classes compete for placements ranging from first to fourth place. The dogs taking first place in the classes then compete for winner ribbons, on their way to best of breed. In addition to these winner ribbons is the reserve placement.
  1. The Purpose of Conformation Dog Shows

    • Breeders showcase their potential breeding stock in conformation dog shows in addition to campaigning those that have already been selected to pass on their genes. A dog's' worthiness is determined by how closely it conforms to the breed standard of perfection. Dogs compete with others of their sex in various classes until the best of breed ring.

    Dog Show Classes

    • Breed classes vary at different shows, depending on the classification of the shows and the association sponsoring them. What remains consistent, however, is that the best of the males and females within each breed are chosen to compete for best of breed. In addition, the primary winner of certain classes may have a runner up, known as the reserve winner.

    Dog Show Placements

    • All classes, such as Puppy (6 to 9 months) or Bred by Exhibitor (American Kennel Club-AKC) and Junior Male/Female or Breeder/Handler (United Kennel Club-UKC) have placements for the best four dogs, as long as four or more dogs are entered. Males and females are judged separately in the early stages of the breed-specific classes, competing against each other for Winners Dog/Bitch (Best Male/Female in UKC). In addition to the winners of the classes divided by sex, Reserve Winners or Reserve Best of Winners are also chosen for each sex within each breed, if there is more than one male or female entered in that breed.

    "Winning" a Reserve Placement

    • The reserve winner is chosen from all of the first place winners of each sex within their own breed, minus the best male or female. If the best of the males or females (the entry that wins the Winners ribbon) is from a class with more than one entry, then the dog that placed second in the class from which the Winners Dog/Bitch advanced will advance to compete for Reserve Best of Winners.

    The Purpose of the Reserve Placement

    • At times, people make mistakes and enter their dogs in the wrong classes. Entries that deviate from those permitted in the classes, as defined in the respective associations rules pertaining to conformation competition, result in that dog being disqualified. If the Winners Dog/Bitch (Best Male/Female) is disqualified due to an entry made in error or for any other reason that might cause a dog to be disqualified, then the "runner up" dog that took the Reserve placement then advances to the Best placement.