Is Neutering Less Complicated Than Spaying?

Before your pet has surgery, it is beneficial to know the differences between spaying and neutering--including what to expect, why to do it and the invasiveness of the procedure. Being educated about your pet's health is an important part of being a responsible owner.
  1. Spaying

    • Spaying is a surgical procedure performed on female cats and dogs. It prevents females from being fertile and is irreversible. Spaying is recommended at 6 months.

    Why Spay?

    • Spaying prevents overpopulation. It also reduces the risk for certain health issues, including mammarian and ovarian cancer.


    • Neutering is a surgical procedure performed on male cats and dogs. It involves removal of the testicles, also known as castration. Neutering is recommended at 6 months.

    Why Neuter?

    • Neutering controls behavior. It prevents males from being extremely aggressive, from marking their territory and from roaming when they go into heat. The method is also recommended to prevent overpopulation.


    • Spaying is considered a more invasive and complicated procedure because of the larger changes it incorporates. A small incision in the lower abdomen is made, after which the uterus and ovaries are removed. Stitches are required, and full recovery generally takes 1 to 2 weeks. In neutering, the animal is always anesthetized, and full recovery takes about a week.